Blessing for people is a charity organization operating in Poland since 2019. During this time, the organization was able to help many people in need: disabled and sick children, the elderly, and large families. The main values of the organization are freedom, inclusivity, and diversity for each social group. In our work, we are guided by equality, engage in human rights and educational activities, and provide support to those in need.
1.1. We do not collect your personal data using the Site.
1.2. All data collected on the Site is provided and received in an impersonal form (hereinafter - "Anonymized data").
1.3. Anonymized data includes the following information that does not identify you:
1.3.1. Information that you provide about yourself on your own using online forms and software modules of the Site, including name or phone number and / or email address.
1.3.2. Data that is transmitted in anonymized form in automatic mode, depending on the settings of the software you are using.
1.4. The administration has the right to establish requirements for the composition of the Anonymized User data that are collected using the Site.
1.5. If certain information is not marked as required, its provision or disclosure is carried out by the User at his own discretion and on his own initiative.
1.6. The Administration does not verify the accuracy of the data provided and the User has the necessary consent to process them in accordance with this Policy, believing that the User acts in good faith, prudently and makes all necessary efforts to maintain such information up to date and obtain all the necessary consents for its use
1.7. You acknowledge and accept the possibility of using third-party software on the Site, as a result of which such persons can receive and transmit the data specified in clause 1.3 in an impersonal form.
1.8. The composition and conditions for the collection of anonymized data using third-party software are determined directly by their rightholders and may include:
• browser data (type, version, cookie);
• device data and location;
• operating system data (type, version, screen resolution);
• request data (time, referral source, IP address).
1.9. The Administration is not responsible for the procedure for using the Anonymized User Data by third parties.
Turnkey solution for your business
2.1. The administration uses the data for the following purposes:
2.1.1. Processing incoming requests and communication with the User;
2.1.2. Information services, including the distribution of advertising and information materials;
2.1.3. Marketing, statistical and other research;
2.1.4. Targeting advertising materials on the Site.
3.1. The administration stores data and ensures their protection from unauthorized access and distribution in accordance with internal rules and regulations.
3.2. With regard to the data received, confidentiality is maintained, except for cases when they are made publicly available by the User, as well as when the technologies and software of third parties used on the Site or the settings of the software used by the User provide for an open exchange with these persons and / or other participants and users of the Internet.
3.3. In order to improve the quality of work, the Administration has the right to store log files about the actions performed by the User as part of the use of the Site for 1 (One) year.
4.1. The administration has the right to transfer data to third parties in the following cases:
• The User has expressed his consent to such actions, including cases when the User applies the settings of the software used, which do not limit the provision of certain information;
• The transfer is necessary as part of the User's use of the functionality of the Site;
• The transfer is required in accordance with the purposes of the data processing;
• In connection with the transfer of the Site to the possession, use or property of such a third party;
• At the request of a court or other authorized state body within the framework of the procedure established by law;
• To protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Administration in connection with the violations committed by the User.
5.1. This Policy can be changed or terminated by the Administration unilaterally without prior notice to the User. The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy
🌟 Dear friends! 🌟
We continue to help those who need our support. Today we want to tell you about a little hero – Alexey Andreev. Alexey was born on March 29, 2020 and since the first days of his life he has been fighting with serious diseases: Cerebral Palsy and epilepsy.
Recently his mom turned to our volunteer for help. Alexey is in great need of specialized (Neuro Developmental Treatment) NDT-rehabilitation in Turkey, the cost of which is 22 thousand euros. In addition, he needs expensive orthopedic equipment, a special wheelchair and a corset.
Alexey’s family lives in the village of Kriva Bara, Bulgaria, and each of your contributions can make a miracle and bring him closer to a full life. Let’s join our efforts and help this boy!
In June 2018, Leon was diagnosed with total autism. Autism is a disorder of the perception of the world by senses. Leon perceives light, images and sounds, feels touch, smell, taste or pain differently. He often has difficulties understanding the statements accurately, because he is just learning to speak. It’s like he is trapped inside his own body an unable to convey what’s happening inside. The world for such people is extremely different from “our world”, therefore communication problems make people with autism face the experience of mental loneliness.
Leo constantly requires the support of an adult and needs intensive rehabilitation, treatment, supplementation. Thanks to various methods of support with small steps and hard work, Leo changes his life for the better
Your help and support for Leo will allow for his further development and self-improvement. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help!
Learn the story of our little warrior whose will to live amazes us every day! She was born at only 25th week of pregnancy. Sized as a little newborn kitten, weighing hardly over a half a kilo… our tiny, but great sunshine had to fight for her life from the first seconds she saw this world. She didn’t give up, She is still fighting bravely! Premature children have to face lots of challenges during their tough lives… We sincerely encourage you – help Nela.
For little Boris, every day is a great battle for life. There is no doubt that Boris has become unbelievably strong man already. Despite a terrible congenital disease, he smiles and laughs a lot. Boris is a marvelous boy. And we encourage everyone to help.
4-year-old Julia as a result of extreme prematurity after her birth suffered from extensive cerebral hemorrhage. As a result, there was a hydrocephalus, underwent 3 operations to insert a valve in the head. Strabismus has developed after the operation too. As a result of perinatal hypoxia and stroke, Julia now suffers from cerebral palsy. She doesn’t walk or talk at the moment. Every day we fight for a better tomorrow for her so she can live a normal life. The costs of treatment and rehabilitation are vast! We are raising money for her rehabilitation.